It's been a while since I updated. Here are a few things from Summer. First is some germ thingy I made for fun and also to explore more photoshop painting techniques. This is another installment of my monster series.

Up next is some work from an art program I took up in Florence, Italy. I lived there for four weeks and studied drawing and painting. The next two images are some figure painting that I worked on at the same time. One is meant to be objective and analytical while the other is meant to be expressive and the goal was to figure out how working between the two could benefit each other. This is a great way to work since it's a good way to gap from working strictly from observation to a more stylistic or imaginative approach. With that said, my teacher thought that the expressive painting was more true to observation.

Pastel on brown paper for my drawing class

ink with a bamboo pen, also for my drawing class. More to come!